Terms of sales

1. Object of the online contract

The online contract has been accepted on the website www.dikk.it and has been stipulated between Dikk di Massimiliano Zoni, based in Italy  Via San Giovanni Reatino 10, 00131 Rome and the Consumer, via a telematic service named e-commerce. In relation to contracts for sales of assets or provision of services, the Consumer is intended to be a phisical person who acts in interests other than his or her normal entrepreneurial of prefessional ones. With the term e- commerce we refe ras to all the activities and exchange of information that grativate around economic transactions online between individuals and organizations, including public entities. This contract, therefore, should be executed only via the online channel referred as “the Internet”, more specifically on the online page www.dikk.it. Following the terms of salesestablished by the provider, which will be valid until further notification made by the same. Modification, correction or updates will be reported in the dedicated section on the site www.dikk.it and will be valid on the date of their publication.

2. Prices of sales, purchasing methods and payment

2.1 Prices are published on the website www.dikk.it and are IVA inclusive. The Client ought to ask transportation cost before payment by sending an email to info@dikk.it The contract will be final only by the correct fulfillment of the module published online and via approval of purchase, to be made on the website.

2.2 The payment made by the Client will be made by a method of his/her choice. Nothing is require more than the sum indicated on the order.

2.3. The payment receipt will be included in the box. It would be possible to give it after the shipment of the order.

3. Costs, transportation and shipment methods

3.1 Shipment of the order is executed by Poste Italiane or by another shipment company, with different degrees of affidabulity of your choice: Corrirere Espresso will give you the assurment of a notification by email once your pack will be processed, other than trackability of it and 24/48 delivery; moreover, if the order is to be lost, you will have the DIKK garancy for a sobstitute. Via Poste Italiane no trackability or insurance of lost item is provided). Orders with immediate availability in the store will be shipped within one week; othewise, waiting time is appoximately 20 working days.

3.2 The electonic system of basket purchase does not calculate transportation and shipment costs for destionations abroad.

3.3 DIKK will process the receipt as requiested from the Client, putting i tinto the box with the order. No variation to the receipt can be made after the shipment.

3.4 The delivery is tho be made at ground floor with any delivery company chosen. At the moment of the delivery, the Client needs to check:

  • whether the number of the order is correct and corresponds to the one receipt of the shipment company;
  • that the packaging is solid, not damaged nor wet or alterated in any other way. -Sidenotes:

In the case that the order results damaged, we invite the Client to accept the delivery and apply on the shipment receipt of the delivery company the following “Accettazione con Riserva”. In the case that this label is not provided, it would not be possible to get a refund for the damaged order.

3.5 Other problems need to be notified within 7 working days from the delivery, with the means described in this document.

3.6 In the case of failure to withdraw the order from the warehouse within 5 days from the unsuccessful delivery, the order will be cancelled automatically.

4. Insurance on the products

The company Dikk produces all the components on the products that it sells.

The insurance on products is valid for one year for damages on materials and stitching. Colour damages caused by solar exposure are not included. Product with prodominance of black taxtures and heavy usage are more likely to present this alterations. All products are printed with a system at 200 degrees of heat, making the stamp permanent.

5. Right of withdraw

In line with the relative law.

6. Usage

The company denies all responsability for wrong usage of the product purchased.